"When you need to rename a series of files, this is THE app you need to be using."
- Lockergnome review |
- Set Working Mode to work with files and/or folders
- Recursion and duplicate name check features (in PRO)
- Character filtering, ignore files / folders with certain characters present, e.g the % character
- Previewing of name changes in REAL-TIME, see what names look like before they are made
- UNDO feature to allow you to undo the last rename, no risk involved!
- Built-in folder browser to browser drives/folders for files you wish to rename, recognises network drives as well
- Support for international character sets, e.g Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Tamil, German, etc. Very cool! Currently this is only renaming application with such support
- Funky tooltips explaining the main user interface
- Enumeration / Serialisation capability, with sort according to Alphabetical or Reverse Alphabetical
- File mask filter allows you to rename files according to their extension, or filename length, eg *.txt, a??.* A??.* help*.???
- Replace strings function allows wildcards, e.g replace ND? with PS on "SOUND1.WAV" results in "SOUPS.WAV" e.g O* with UPER on "SOUND1.WAV" results in "SUPER.WAV"
- DOS 8.3 option will convert all files to the 8.3 format, spaces are converted to underscores, filename is truncated to first 8 chars, and extension is truncated to first 3 chars
- Enhanced remove string option now accepts wildcards, eg 0?, file*, c*, c???, etc
- Mixed case rename option, rename files according to your own specification, eg hello_you.txt -> HeLLo_YOU.txt
- Update time stamp of files, bring your files up-to-date
- Saving of settings to registry, no more typing in fields again!
- Dialog now takes up 50% less screen space (in mini view) than previous versions (2.0 and below)
- Graphically aesthetic user interface utilising 24-bit icons and bitmapped owner draw buttons.
- Makes use of Windows XP Visual Styles when available
- LOTS of bug fixes, cleaner code and other changes
The regular options and features include:
- Capitalizing the first letter of every word
- Changing all letters to uppercase or lowercase
- Replacing characters of your choice (now enhanced as stated as above)
- Prefix or Postfix characters to the filename
- Removal of characters (now enhanced with wildcards as stated above)
- MP3 renaming + ID3v1 tagging
- Easy to use drag and drop renaming
(Click image to enlarge)
Work with files and folders (2-in-1)
Real-time Preview with International Character Support
Enumeration / Serialisation of files and folders
Toggle between mini-mode and expanded browser-mode
MP3 ID3v1 Tagging
Rename operation and Undo
Lockergnome review on v3.0 (which supported only file renaming)
"When you need to rename a series of files, this is the app you need to be using. Browse through folders, preview changes before they're actually made, rename files according to their extensions, and update time stamps. The interface is easy to interpret, too. If you can click, you can use this program. Drag & drop functionality (from the Windows Explorer) is also supported -- as if it wasn't easy or quick enough already."
Not convinced? See what others are saying about Quick File Rename!
Feature |
Product |
Personal |
Professional |
Corporate |
Powerful Recursive Rename
- this feature allows you to rename every single file in a folder up to infinite sub-folder levels!
NO (Only Single Level) |
Duplicate Name Check
- allows you to identify names which can't be renamed due to other files having the same name after the rename operation.
NO |
Full Unrestricted Version
NO (Shareware - will expire) |
Network Drive Support
- allows you to rename files and folders over network drives.
* YES |
NO |
* - Network drive support is supported in the personal edition as part of the package. It is NOT supported in the PRO version so if you decide you want network drive support, please purchase the Corporate version.
PERSONAL - Rename files up to a single directory level deep. Eg if you rename files in C:\, ONLY files in C:\ will be renamed.
PROFESSIONAL - Rename files up to infinite directory levels deep. Eg if you rename files in C:\, ALL files in C:\, C:\Program Files, C:\Windows, etc will be renamed. This will save a lot of time if you have lots of subdirectories and need to rename files quickly. Duplicate name check also allows you to identify problems before rename.
CORPORATE - Similar to Professional, except that it has network drive support.
You can try Quick File Rename Personal edition for FREE. It will expire after a certain number of executions, so if you like it please purchase it.
Both PRO and CORP offer powerful recursive renaming functions, as well as allowing you to rename all files in a folder, as well as files in that folder's subfolders. You can choose to recurse only folders as well. In addition, duplicate name check allows you to identify potential problems before rename. Plus you get support for folder renaming (2-in-1!), unique international character support, the only renaming application to do so, as well as a host of other functions making it a complete universal rename solution.
Quick File Rename 4.0 Pro costs US$29.95, you are gettting a file renamer and a folder renamer, that's 2 applications bundled together in one powerful and compact package! That's less than US$15 for each application! Buy Now!
Need to rename files only? Then get Quick File Rename 3.0 Pro. For US$21.95, you get a file renamer, with many of 4.0's features. Need to rename folders only? For US$14.95, Fast Folder Rename provides common folder renaming features. Buy either software from the software store.
Online Ordering
Orders are processed by Paypal (preferred option) or our e-commerce solution provider from the online store. Both offer fast,safe and secure options of payment!
All major credit cards are accepted, please visit the software store
Mail Ordering
This is alternative option if you do not have a credit card. Payment is strictly through either cash or bank draft. (bank draft in the US
equivalent dollars, drawn at any Singapore bank)
Upon recieving payment, the product(s) will be emailed to your account. As such, this may take up to a week or longer. Very few people use this option but if you require it, send me an email via the feedback form.
- 4.0 - Folder support, international characters, enumeration / serialisation and more
- 3.X - Undo, Real-time preview, wildcard, filter features, more advanced options
- 2.X - Advanced options, mp3 tagging. Was also known as Quick File Rename + MP3 Rename
- 1.X - Drag and drop renaming with basic options, all to lowercase, uppercase, etc.
How drag and drop works in the program
Whenever a drag and drop operation is performed, a structure is passed on to the application where the drag and drop operation is carried out. This structure includes information on the type of object (file) being passed, how many of these objects are there, and so on and so forth. Quick File Rename extracts information from this structure, and process each file one by one. The actual renaming is done by calling a Windows API function. Quick File Rename is coded in C++ instead of the other languages such as Delphi, Visual Basic, etc. As such it takes longer to code, but runs faster.
How it was implemented
Software used:
- Visual C++ using MFC with Windows XP headers for Visual Styles support (for coding)
- Microsoft Unicode Layer for Win9X (for unicode support on Win9X platforms)
- Adobe Photoshop 6.0 (for the beautiful buttons which you see)
- Windows 98/2000/XP (testing platforms)
- Microangelo (icon design)
Freewarenetz.de - 5 stars
| Editors pick
| Webattack.com - Very Good
| FileHaven 5 stars
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